Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Anyone know what this is?

So, by the time the picture loaded, I found out that this is a tomato horn worm that was found on one of my tomato plants. This one is covered by white cocoon's of the predatory Braconid Wasp. GROSS! Not sure how to kill it or what to do with it. Let me restate that...not sure what Tim should do with this thing! YUCK!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Jackson!

Jackson turned one today!! What a big boy he is! I'm telling you he has been a different boy since he started walking! He loved all the cousins today and REALLY loved his cake. Thanks Aunt Jen! It's hard to believe a year has already passed. We went and visited my friend Dani's 2 day old baby today and it's just unbelievable the changes they make in only 365 days! Jack's still quite the momma's boy! He's a snuggler through and through and we're so fortunate to have him around. Here's a few pictures from the day!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cousin Fun

Last weekend I coached a soccer tournament in Kalamazoo and Tim stayed here with the kids and had Melanie, Monique and Emilia over to play. Mackenzie enjoyed playing girlie things with the girls! Looks like Tim had fun too, apparently. I on the other hand was a big loser :(

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our visit to Cranbrook

I've been bugged to get my kids pictures done which I'm going to do, but I thought I'd go out to a pretty setting and take some of my own. Let me know what you think? I think they're pretty darn good if I do say so myself!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thank you IKEA

Here's our new sitting area! It has been driving us crazy because it was just wasted space. So, thanks to Aunt Pauline and Uncle Skip, we were able to make a kidless trip to IKEA and get all this fun stuff. The shelf to the left isn't finished, but you should have seen this corner a month ago.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Jackson's Walking

Yeah, Jackson started officially walking. On Saturday he started to take a few steps while we were at Jodi and Josh's cottage. I told Tim he'll be walking within a week. Then on Sunday he was walking like 10 steps in a row. Then by yesterday, he just stands up and strolls across the room. He definitely still looks like a drunken sailor, but he's so proud of himself as are we. I feel like his mood is changing already! My little boy is growing up :) I'll try and get a video of him.