Friday, October 31, 2008

The Plague

The kids and I were at a friend's house on Tuesday when Mackie said, "Mommy, my belly hurts!" Instantenously, she throws up all over my friend's floor! We quickly gathered our things and left in a hurry, while Mackenzie continues to throw up the entire ride home. I spoke with my sister and Anthony had the exact same thing only a few hours earlier. It lasted about 7 hours of throwing up and we thought we were in the clear!
Well, Tim goes to work on Wednesday and comes home a bit early. Immediately after he arrived home, my stomach became upset. Well, to make a long story short, I threw up every half hour for 14 straight hours! I have never been so sick in my life. Tim ended up taking me to the ER at 8 in the morning since I was so dehydrated.
As we were in the waiting room of the ER, Tim starts turning white and they put him in a bed. So, we were both in the emergency room for about 8 hours yesterday getting better. Tim's feeling much better today, and I am on the road to recovery. Thanks so so much mom for taking care of the kids all day.
Jackson never got it and neither did Vince! We finally realized that everyone had the Rotovirus and the little guys had the immunization for it. Thank God (literally) for vaccines!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

We can still dress up too!

Tim and I went to a Halloween party tonight that our next door neighbors put on every year. We wanted to match, so we both attempted to be aerobic instructors, but no offense to Tim in my shorts and tank top, it just wasn't working for him. So, he went back to his staple, a hunter and always loves to bring his props, so he carried his bow with him the entire night! I love that we go every year because like clock work, an hour before we want to leave, we look at each other and say, "what do you want to be this year?" and we search through the closets and always come up with something.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Our dear friend lost her mother to cancer yesterday morning. She's one of five siblings who lost their mother, and I think they could use all the prayers they can get. It sure makes you really think about living in the moment. You never know how limited time on earth can be! It's so important to not sweat the small stuff, even though many times can be the hardest thing to do.

Grandpa Joe's 90th Birthday

Tim's mom put on a wonderful birthday party for Grandpa Joe. She even bought matching outfits for all the Grandkids. He knew people were coming, but had no idea the amount. He grew up one of 9 children and even some of his siblings made it to the party. It was so fun to watch Grandpa Joe as everyone reminisced and spoke so highly of him! To many more years Grandpa Joe! Aunt Pam and Grandma June are in the upper left photo, and it was so great to see them again too.

Monday, October 13, 2008

My brown eyed beauty!

I had the kids pictures done last week and the photographer has a blog. Mackie's picture is front and center, please check it out. How old does she look and please, just look at the eyes! Ahh, I just love her!

Valpo and the Sand Dunes

We went to Valpo this weekend for my alumni soccer game and more importantly to visit friends. Although I'm embarrassed to say, I didn't get any pictures until yesterday when Jenna, Tim, me and the kids went to the Sand Dunes. Life doesn't get much better than an 80 degree day in October.
My boys, both of them have their shirts tucked into their underwear! How cute:)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Remembering Grandpa Art

Grandpa Art (Tim's dad's dad) passed away and entered heaven on Thursday morning. Say some prayers for the family and especially Grandma June as she continues on without her other half. They really were a couple to watch, always showing affection, and he always bragged about how much he loved her! We were fortunate to all see him last weekend while he was in such good spirits! Jackson even waved for the first time to Grandpa. What a special person we have watching over us. We love you Grandpa Art!