Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Up North for the last time before baby!

Here's probably the last picture with all 6 kids! The new one will be here shortly and for those that don't know, Jen's expecting #3 in late November. So, very soon there will be 8!

Tim made a bow and arrow with Mackie!

Mackie with her little frog, she didn't want anything to do with the big ones!

Jackson's probably holding the biggest frog I've ever seen! It was really gross.

I was pretty determined to get Up North to enjoy the kids before the new baby came and what a weekend to go! The weather was perfect and Mackie cried on the way home saying, "I want to stay Up North forever!" She LOVES fishing with Tim and even picked up some frogs. Tim cleaned some of the fish they caught and she was very proud to show everyone how Daddy cut up the fish and we're going to eat it for lunch! Not sure if she fully gets it or not, but my mom and I sure got some good laughs out of it. All the Springs cousin's were there, so as crazy as it could have been with 6 kids 3 and under, it wasn't that bad!

Monique's Birthday Luau

On our way Up North, we went to Monique's 6th birthday party and Melanie did such a fantastic job with all the decorations and games. Jackson sure played the part :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Like Father, Like Son

The picture pretty much says it all! You can even see the for sale sign in the yard. We still have about a showing a week and had some great feedback last week, but no real offers yet!

36 week picture!

I haven't taken many pictures of me during this pregnancy and those friends out of town have been asking, so here I am 36 weeks pregnant! Tim, the kids and I were walking downtown the other day and I had so many stares and people quietly talking to each other and then looking at me. I felt quite uncomfortable. Two cops even walked up to Tim and said, "she must be due next week, it's been a while since I delivered a baby, will she make it?" Nice, huh!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

My kids are notorious for being awake by 6:30 and by the grace of God they both slept in yesterday until 7:30! Tim and I had a cup of coffee together before the kids were even up! We went to church and then had my mom and Grandma over for brunch! We even got to see Grandma Sandy last night too! Grandpa Joe seemed to be doing really well!
The first picture is from our popcorn and movie night! It's Mack's favorite night!