Monday, April 26, 2010

It's the simple things...

Today Mackie pointed out that Cole was in the bathroom and had proceded to pull all the toilet paper off the roll. Meanwhile, I was in the middle of getting fingerpaints out and set up on the table (amongst five other things at the same time). I asked Mackie if she wouldn't mind rolling it up for me, and then I continued on with one of my five tasks on hand. An hour later, completely forgetting about that whole toilet roll issue, I went to use the bathroom. I went to grab some toilet paper and saw the most messed up FULLY ROLLED toilet paper, and a smile instantly appeared on my face. They really do listen, and that is my high of the day!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The start of spring!

Mack told Jack tonight that he's her "husband, but pretend though Mommy!" then she grabbed him and gave him a huge hug! Those two are best buddies!

Jackson took a sip of his milk at dinner tonight and said, "mmm. This is good beer!" What a character!

My three kids, they are so fun!

Spring has come! It's always the first sign of spring, eating outside and drinking some beers! Ahh, the winter has gone (for the most part)!

My blue eyed babe!

Cole's over 9 months old already! Tim loves this picture, but to me, I don't think it looks like him! The one above it is my Coley!

Happy Easter...a little late!

I also love the easter basket picture! They are going through all the candy!

Easter morning! What a gorgeous day!
Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jim came over for a nice brunch!

Look at our eggs!

I had to put this picture large, cuz I love it! This is Mackie and Jack to a tee. Jackson acting like a complete nut and Mack laughing at him! It's pretty awesome that we were able to decorate eggs outside. Gotta love Jackson in his undies! Oh Jack!