Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Splish Splash Cole Cash is ONE!

The big birthday boy is one year old already!
The proud 'rents with the tired Coley!

The best game ever...silly bands = HUGE hit!

Wasn't so sure about cake!

Yes, we are all ready to play a game!

Here's the pool cake I made.

Yes indeed, Cole is already one. Hard to believe, but then again the thought of bringing him home from the hospital sure seems like a long time ago. We are so blessed to have such a great baby. He's been sleeping great pretty much from the beginning. He's the best napper taking two naps a day each about 2 hours and still in bed by 8ish. He's the happiest little boy and has been walking for about 2 months now and waves and smiles at everyone. He's certainly into everything and the fastest little walker I've ever seen. Yes, I do get tired :), but he's just making sure I'm always on my toes! I have to be with him. We think he's going to be our little musician always dancing! He definitely looks different than the other two with his bright blue eyes and his reddish blond hair! We love you Cole and are so proud of who you are becomming. Happy birthday little buddy!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Here's a little shout out to my hubby who happens to be the best dad and husband in the world. The kids think he's the coolest, Cole even runs upto him when getting home from work! I think often of all the kids out there that don't have a dad around, and how fortunate that mine have one around and that he's as involved as he is. He has no problem putting all 3 to bed and is so great when I need a minute to myself or want to go and play a soccer game. I'm not sure who's more fortunate, me or the kids? I guess it's pretty even and comes to the fact that he's pretty much awesome!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Two sisters and six kids!

This is Jen's baby Dominic with blue eyes! I need to get one of him and Cole next to each other. Our third children with blue eyes, I love it!!
It was my mom's b-day on Friday, but they were golfing so we made her dinner and had her favorite pie, French Silk on Saturday to celebrate!

They were attempting to watch Toy Story, but I brought up the bonus DVD...what a let down:(

They attempted to sleep next to each other, pretty much exactly like this with air beds under them, but it didn't quite work!

Jen with Anthony and Vince at the indoor pool!

Anthony, Mackie, Jackson and Vince with one of many treats of the weekend.

Tim went fishing and camping this weekend with some friends and Remo had graduation this weekend, so my sister and I decided to go Up North with all 6 kids to get away! Tim's friend Ryan even showed up to fish all the way from Key West! I guess it was quite the surprise! We had a great weekend and I didn't take near enough pictures! The setting up six beds with six kids running around us was pretty much a nightmare and packing up was a little difficult too, but I'd say we did pretty well without the men! My parents were there all day Saturday, so it was nice having them around to help too!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial weekend Up North!

Best picture of the weekend! They love being Up North!
This was the random Costco purchase (all Costco members know what I'm talking about) It's the SunBrella. It is pretty awesome actually. Correction---it's called the Sportbrella, apparently we gave it the name SunBrella. Sunbrella makes more sense anyway!

My parent's golf club has an indoor pool we can use, and it's always empty and the kids love going at night. Cole loved being in the water and Jackson actually did too. He's finally getting used to the water and enjoying it. It was really fun to be with Griffin and Garrett for a few days too.

6 years!! We celebrated our anniversary this weekend, May 29th. Since we were Up North, we didn't go out just the two of us, but we'll make sure we still celebrate! I sure love my Timo, a lot more than I did 6 years ago, just didn't know it was possible back then. He means everything to me, I'm a lucky girl! It's pretty amazing when we look back at the last six years and all that's changed in our lives. There's the obvious...3 kids, and then there's 3 job changes and the lack there of for awhile (2 for Tim and 1 for me), a move, a house up for sale, the loss of 3 Grandpa's, and 1 Grandma. We're blessed to put it lightly though, we have 3 healthy kids and each other and that makes me smile!

Cole was such a good boy this weekend! He's so fun!

There aren't too many of just my dad and Mackie and I just love this one!

Jen, Remo and kids only stayed one night, so we actually only got to hang with them on Saturday, so here's the chaos! It was actually a lot less stressful than it looks.