Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mackie's first soccer game!

Mackie had her first soccer game on Sunday and I get the honors of coaching her team. The team is really really good, so the first game was really fun! I'm just loving coaching her team. My good friend Dani is coaching with me, which makes it even better!

Tim even got he scoring a goal!

My girl and me :)

Daddy and Mackie

Jackson turned 3

All the kids standing in line for the toy story pinata. It was a ribbon one, so all they had to do was pull a ribbon. A little easier for the little kids. Jackson pulled the lucky ribbon!!

Jackson blowing out his candle off of his dirt dessert! It was in a brand new dump truck. He also received 3 new garbage trucks and loves every one of them!!

Eating yummy food!

Family picture before the party started! Can't believe he's three years old. He's such a big boy and the funniest little 3 year old we've ever met! We sure love our little buddy!

The big move!

We officially moved on August 18th!! We were sad to leave such great neighbors, but are still in the process of finding a new house. We are currently living with my parents for the three to four days they are around. People say we should find a house no problem, but we can be picky and are, so needless to say, we haven't found anything quite yet!

Camping at Interlochen!!

We went camping with Tim's parents and his sister Melanie and her family back in August to Interlochen for a long weekend. Cole was busy to say the least, but over than that the weekend was awesome. The campground was great and Tim's parents set up everything for us since we were in the middle of the move. I'll tell you it sure makes camping easy when the set-up is done for you! Can't wait to go again next year!

Mackie and her cousin Emilia eating some sandy Pirate's Booty on the beach at Lake Michigan.
Poor Jackson spent two hours on the beach sleeping.

At the campsite roasting hot dogs. The kids loved every minute of it.

We went to the music came and walked around. It's pretty amazing.

We've had a very busy month and a half...here's our update.