Saturday, May 10, 2008

Best of and Worst of the park

Here it is, the top five list of the best and worst of the park!

1. Mackie can actually run around the play structure and I don't have to be an inch behind her.
2. Mackenzie actually likes the swing now.
3.There's always at least one interesting character at the park.
4. Every step Mackenzie takes, I think she gets a little bit sleepier.
5. The park is right down the street from me.
1. Every time you go down the slide, you get zapped! Ouch!
2. Every time I set Jackson down, he tries to eat woodchips.
3. I have to hold Jackson the entire time unless he's swinging in which Mack has to be swinging too.
4. Some children aren't watched by their the incident where little boy "M" chucked a large truck into Mackenzie's head on the stairway up. (Thank the Lord Mack has good balance)
5. I just don't do underdog's like daddy.

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