Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fox Family Fun!

As most of you know, I have a very large extended family on my mom's side and we like to get together as often as we can. Sunday we went to Aunt Patty's house for a fun day with loads of great food. Lily (my cousin's daughter) and Mackie just randomly had the same coat. With only 12 of the 17 Great Grandkids there, it was midly calm.
And...I just had to get a picture of Tim on the scooter. The lease on my car is up soon and the thought of what kind of car we will be getting has been on our mind. Our latest idea is to buy a scooter and forget about an extra car. Tim drives his truck to and from work only and he only works 4 miles from home. Yes, Mom and Dad, it's not likely we'll be doing it, but it sure would be a whole lot more economical!

1 comment:

The Rosenbaum Family said...

lisa - too funny about the scooter. we have talked about it too. not that we would actually do it, but the idea has been brought up!