Thursday, March 26, 2009

Warm Sunny Florida

We arrived home at 1 in the morning on Tuesday. We had a wonderful trip! Tim had to stay home for a few days to work and met us on Friday night, so the trip seemed to fly by since he was only there for a few days. The weather was gorgeous and the pool was like 85 degrees so we went swimming before it was hot and before we went to bed. We went and visited Aunt Kathy one night and swam in here pool. The beach was the highlight, the kids were in heaven! I have loads more pictures, but I just thought I'd pick a few!


The Terps said...

Where are the belly pics??! I was really looking forward to seeing :)

Sweating in the endless heat said...

Yeah, where are the belly pictures?? :-) Your mom and dad have not changed at all in the past (almost) 12 years. How fun to be able to go on a little vacation. You all look great!
***How is the house selling going??**