Saturday, September 26, 2009

Half marathon 3 weeks away!

Tim and I are running the Detroit half marathon on October 18th. He told me he would run with me before we had Cole, and well, I never dreamed he'd actually train for it. He has proven me wrong and is doing awesome! I ran just under 10 miles yesterday and averaged a 9 minute 12 second mile and Tim ran his today and average roughly about the same! We feel great minus a few sore knees and little aches and pains. We're following a training schedule and really haven't missed a day. It's so great to do it together, we really motivate each other and keeps us from being burnt out! Who's gonna win???


Sweating in the endless heat said...

You are AMAZING!!!! That is SO awesome that you guys are running it:-) My running partner did the full Detroit marathon last year and said she loved it. Good luck; although it doesn't sound like you need it:-)

The Terps said...

You ARE amazing!! I am so proud! :) I can barely get my butt on the elipical for 30 minutes :) Good luck with your training...can't wait to see you this weekend! Oh...and I vote that you win (I don't think that competative spirit in you will let Tim cross the line first! :)