Thursday, February 11, 2010

Healthy again...finally!

I have so many updates, since it's been a few weeks! We've been sick and I was the first to get it. Lots of throwing up (about 10 straight hours), and lots of extra loving to give around here. Tim and I had the adult version of the Rotovirus and Mackenzie got the Rotovirus. Thank God for vaccines, because the boys were immune and thus are healthy!
Cole is not only crawling now (the cutest thing you have ever seen), he's now standing up on his own as he did in this picture. The other two decided to join! They're checking out all the snow we finally got! We've been waiting too long for it.
Gramma Fox turned 97 years old on January 30th. Cousin JoAnn threw her a party at their house and had an amazing 19 out of 22 Great-Grandkids there. Crazy...can you tell? Happy Birthday Gramma, you're simply amazing to put it lightly!
Tim and I went out and found a sport we can actually compete at...BOWLING! As most know, we have an Olympic bowler in the family....Aunt Kathy, and my Mom and Dad have won their share in bowling too. Turns out that I didn't get the gene! Too bad for me, but fortunate for Tim, he beat me in the 10th frame of the third game! It's good to give his morale a boost. It was just nice to get out for a bit with just him. He's been averaging 80 hours a week at work. Feast or famine, right? We miss him:(

And my three angels, I love them all so much! Good picture, huh?

1 comment:

The Terps said...

Glad you guys are healthy - not fun!! Didn't that happen to you once when Jack was little?? Wow - only 3 of those great-grandkids weren't there...they must be on the naughty list for that! :) Love the updates...can't believe Cole is crawling and standing already! Talk soon :)