Sunday, January 30, 2011

Remembering Gramma Fox

Yes, today would have been Gramma Fox's 98th birthday. This picture is actually from her 95th birthday party. It's actually the first birthday party photo I found when searching and thought it was perfect. I'll tell you what, my Gramma sure did something right, we are sure a close family. Take this weekend for example, I went to a surprise birthday party for a friend last night and Jenny was there. Mike and Colleen ended up not coming but were also invited. Meanwhile, I was texting cousin JoAnn to see if cousin Sam could babysit. While at that party, cousin's Josh, Doug, and Nick were all working together on Doug's house and Jodi called to see what I was up to to get the kids together. Then I take the kids to the gym today and see cousin Todd and find out three of his kids were playing with Mackie and Jack. I mean, that just doesn't happen in most familes (if you followed any of that)! It's amazing and the heart of all of Gramma and Grandpa!! Family's the best what can I say :) Happy Birthday Gramma, we've all been thinking about you today, but know you are having a blast celebrating with Grandpa.


Trisha said...

What a wonderful legacy your gramma left behind! Thinking of all of you as you are missing her... love you guys!!!

The Terps said...

So cool Lis!! I was thinking about Gramma a lot today...thanks for this special post...we definitely have a very awesome and very special family! Love you! :)