Monday, March 14, 2011

Florida trip 2011

Our little cuties :)
We went to Doc's on the beach to eat one night. The only night it rained!

Mackie swimming at my Aunt Kathy's and Uncle Jim's pool. We had a really nice dinner there one night!

Check out the gecko Jackson and Tim caught! Jack just loved those things!

Mackie loving the beach!

There's a little splash park real close to my parents and Cole just loved it!

We went to an Alligator farm place that was very neat. Those are alligator's behind us. A little too sunny for Cole! Apparently I should have brough a hat :)

We went to Florida and actually got back on March 3rd! All my pictures were added to my mom's computer while we were there and got deleted off of my camera...ugh! That's why I'm so late on this post and although Mackie did celebrate her 5th birthday, I'm going to keep in the correct order and start with Florida.
That being said, 83 degree sunny weather is pure heaven after a full winter in Michigan! I mean...heaven!! Cole became pretty attached to Pa (my dad). As most know, Cole's an early riser, and on vacation, he's a REALLY early riser. He'd wake up, and say, "Pa!! Pa!! Birdee, Birdee!" and then I would proceed to walk out to the family room, hand my Cole to my dad, and he would take him outside. The neighbors would all be walking their dogs outsidse, and there's my dad walking Cole at 6am! So funny.

Jackson played a lot of baseball with Tim outside, even went to a local high school's baseball game. He did like the pool, but liked it best in our arms. He's still a bit nervous about water.

Mackie played with my mom a times I'd say my mom was pretty exhausted, but Mackie being the only girl on my side, let's just say, my mom gives her a lot of attention, and she eats it up! She did so great at swimming. She took off her life jacket and was doing a little bit of swimming and was so proud of herself.

Tim and I sure loved being away, and we both loved him not being at work. It's just so wonderful to leave it all behind and just enjoy life, that's exactly what we did! I'm already checking out flights to go to Arizona next year to visit Tim's parents!!

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