Saturday, September 6, 2008

special moments

Some days can be so long and so tough, but I do find time everyday to enjoy the little things! Jackson loves to get into everything right now and I mean everything. He loves splashing in the toilet and digging in the trash! Mackie loves to find rainbows, paint, read every book she can get her hands on and her favorite is to let Jackson know what's right and what's wroing. Their little minds never stop and we do find time to appreciate it every day! Life is to short to sweat the small stuff, and although we all have to be reminded of it, it's a good reminder to have! Their only small once.


Jamie said...

Cute! I love that last picture...we have one un-child-proofed cupboard in the kitchen with nothing but tupperware. It is so nice to have a place for him to play while I'm cooking.

The Rosenbaum Family said...

Your kids are so darn cute and getting so big! I love to read your posts. It was good talking to you the other day! Take care. :)